Wednesday, January 24, 2018


I am excited about the opportunities that exist within each moment. I greet life with curiosity and enthusiasm. I make my own luck and jump on the chances that come my way.
I bond with my family. A drive to the local shopping mall can provide an opening for discussing financial responsibility with my teen daughter. Family dinners can create a regular channel for keeping each other updated on our lives.

I make new friends. I reach out to newcomers at work or the gym. I invite them out for coffee or share some helpful tips which are a part of my life coaching services.
I build my confidence to give life coaching services in canada. Each time I tackle a challenge, I become more certain of my abilities. I discover that I can dance or tile a bathroom floor.
I learn new things from life coaching programs and also know much and more according to my needs by life coach training institute. I spend my free time reading books, taking online courses, and practicing my hobby. I enjoy acquiring more knowledge and skills.I advance my career. I volunteer for assignments at work that tests my abilities and broadens my expertise by attending best life coaching programs. I accept public speaking invitations and attend networking events.
I train my body and prove my self as a best online life coach. I lift weights to build my muscles and go running to keep my heart healthy to become your life coach. I increase my flexibility and range of motion with stretching exercises.I strengthen my faith. I meditate and pray with joining professional coaching organizations. My spiritual beliefs as a american life coach guide my daily decisions.
Today, I capitalize on each moment. I enjoy rewarding adventures as I take advantage of the opportunities a single moment can bring.Now, Finally I am here as a personal trainer life coach after lot of efforts.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How does asking questions help me to recognize opportunities?
  2. How can I tell if an opportunity is consistent with my core values?
  3. What can I do to attract more promising opportunities?